15. Our Aslaaf

It is reported from Al-Hasan Al-Basri that he said,

“If a man from amongst the Salaf were to be sent forth today,he would not recognize anything from Islam.” He put his handon his cheek and added, “Except this prayer (salah).” Then hesaid, “But by Allah, this does not apply to the person who livesin this unfamiliar time, never having seen the RighteousPredecessors, but who sees [instead] the innovator calling to hisbid’ah, and the follower of worldly wealth calling to hismaterialism, but Allah protects him from all this and makeshis heart love and aspire to those Righteous Predecessors,asking about their way, searching and trying to follow in theirfootsteps, and adhering to their path. Such is a person who willbe recompensed with an immense and great reward. So be youall like this, by Allah’s permission”.
-[Ibn Waddâh, Al-Bida’ Vol. 1 p190] 


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